2022 Capital Cup

The 2022 Capital Cup was a very successful regatta. Competing teams were from Solomons Island Model Boat Club, Northern Maryland Model Yacht Club, and the defending MMYC.

Announcing the winner of the 2022 Capital Cup: Maryland Model Yacht Club

Danny Thomas, Race Director, provided an excellent Regatta Report with blow by blow excitement for all to read (below).

MMYC looks forward to hosting this event again in 2023, and hopes to see even more clubs participating.

2022 Capital Cup Race Report from Danny Thomas, RD.pdf


Saturday: September 24, 2022

Rain date: October 1, 2022

Registration: 9:00 AM


9:45 Skippers Meeting

10:00 First thru Fourth Race

30 Minute Lunch

After the 30 minute break: Complete the last four races


Columbia Pond

Address: 8890 McGaw Road, Columbia, MD 21045

Maps and directions can be found at Maryland Model Yacht Club - Venues and Schedule

NOR Capitol Cup 2022 rev1.pdf

Notice of Race

Revision 1: Venue changed to Columbia Pond

Capital Cup Registration Form.docx

Team Registration Form

Please can cut and paste this to an email and send to mdmodelyachtclub@gmail.com, Subject: Team List- "Name of Club"